Today saw Bronnie release a pop goes punk cover of Little Mix’s “Shout Out To My Ex” on Spotify only. CelebMix were lucky enough to chat with her about the release of the song and what she’s been up to.

The release of this cover was accompanied by a comical “Death by Skull” video that is a total must-watch. Currently, she is in America, exploring, touring, writing, and setting up interviews. Make sure you follow her socials to keep up to date.

We don’t know how but she managed to find some time to answer our questions. Check out her responses below.

Hi, Bronnie. We hope you’re having a good day today, what have you been up to lately?

Yo, CelebMix, great to talk to you again. I’m actually over in America right now. I’ve been doing some gigs, including my first headline show in the US – in Philadelphia – it’s the same venue All Time Low, Fall Out Boy, and Little Mix played at when they first started playing shows in Philly. I was on some radio shows, meet-ups, writing sessions, and meetings. We started in New York and we are actually going right across to Los Angeles… I also think I’m visiting my alien homies at Area 51 so that’ll be pretty rad.

Tell us about your pop goes punk cover of Little Mix’s “Shout Out To My Ex”.

On a recent tour we added this to the set list and the reaction from fans, when I played it live with my band, was awesome so I thought we’d release it for streaming!

Bronnie Releases Pop-Goes-Punk Cover Of Little Mix’s “Shout Out To My Ex” On Spotify

What makes this version different to the original?

Well, it’s got more of a distorted guitar and a punk vibe to it, and we added a key change towards the end – releasing my inner boy band. Little Mix did an incredible job with the original so we had to work hard to make some cool additions and give it a punk sound.

Why a cover of this song?

Playing the opening night of the Little Mix Glory Days Tour was amazing and, in the lead-up, my band and I came up with our pop-punk version of “Shout Out To My Ex”. With the positive fan reaction, it seemed like a cool way of remembering my time playing with Little Mix!

What does this song mean to you?

It reminds me of one of the coolest days of my life playing in a stadium with my band and rocking out with my sock out as support act for Little Mix.

Why is it being released on Spotify only?

It’s a cover so I thought I’d stick to streaming rather than releasing it as a single for purchase. My fans rock, so instead of making them pay for another song, I’m letting them have it for free! I’ve stuck with my original songs for my single and EP releases. We have already started working on another original song with John Delf and Mark Winterburn.

Is this the start of more covers being released?

I may do this from time to time but I’m mainly focused on my original songs if I’m honest. It’s fun though.

This surprise cover is for your fans, what do they mean to you?

Oh, everything! For me, it’s not about seeking fame for fame’s sake. I love to write songs and play shows and the fans that buy my records and come to my shows are my absolute world. They are so nice to me and support me so much. I try and talk to as many of them as possible on social media. I love the BronDogs they kick butt!

What has been your favourite cover you have done?

I think this one has been a cool song to cover and my musical director (Josh Betley) and I enjoyed working on the Teenage Dirtbag/Stacy’s Mom mash-up

What does the rest of the year entail for bronnie?

Oooooooh! Epic stuff. I am in the US for another three weeks but I’m coming back to the UK for two festivals in late August; a big tour of the UK throughout September with Room 94 (those guys are so much fun, I can’t wait for that tour). I’ve just agreed to a one-off gig in the south of England, and another tour in October with another amazing band but we’ve not announced that yet so watch this space! We are going to finish three more original songs in the studio in October and November too! That’s a secret though… Well, I guess it’s not anymore. I’m also working on a really important song with my other producer Pete Gebbie to be released soon.

Next year will kick start with your first headline Rejex Tour, how excited are you for this?

I’m totally stoked for my headline tour. We will play some new originals and some old favourites too from the EP; and, we’ll no doubt do a couple of pop-punk covers. We will announce some cool support acts in the coming months too. We were so happy when the pre-sale tickets sold in less than an hour and the support from fans has been incredible.

The tour is with Alstar Music again, what’s it like working with them?

Alstar are awesome, I’ve worked with them on a number of tours now and we have a really good working relationship. They are more than just a promoter, they work really hard at helping artists develop their live shows etc. They’re really professional.

What do you hope the future has in store for you?

I just want to write the type of songs that I’d jump around and dance to in my bedroom; write lyrics that are relatable; play live shows to my fans and see where we end up. Fame for fame’s sake is of no interest to me. Interacting with an amazing fan base who support me and my songs for what they are is all I need. and we will end up where we end up. I look up to bands like Green Day, blink-182, All Time Low et cetera, who have been building and have been going for years, I’d love that! I don’t want to be popular for 3 years and burn out, I want to be rocking out on-stage when I’m 90.

And, lastly, what has been your highlight recently, and what are you most grateful for?

The fans that support me for who I am and what I write. They took me to number 3 in the UK Rock Charts with my EP and I’ll never forget that.

Thank you so much Bronnie for another great interview. We hope your time in America is as amazing as it sounds. We can’t wait for all your future endeavours, and can’t wait to follow your career – we’ll still be a part of the BronDog family even when you’re 90!

Don’t forget to check out Bronnie’s new cover “Shout Out To My Ex” on Spotify only. She’s got a lot coming up soon, so stay with CelebMix as we’ll be covering everything.

What do you make of our interview with Bronnie? Let us know on Twitter @CelebMix. And while you’re at it, tell us your thoughts on her pop goes punk cover.

(Photo credit: James Lynd Photography)
