Developed by Kim Lyons, registered dietitian, nutrition expert, and fitness model, The Kim Lyons Diet Program is a healthy weight loss plan. The diet plan insists on consumption of natural and organic fruits and vegetables.

Without depriving your body from several foods, the diet program will bring healthy changes in your body. You will melt away pounds in a very short span of time while abiding by the diet solution.

Kim has designed the diet solution after practically applying it on her own body. Due to having practical experience, she very well comprehends how difficult it is to deal with the problem of obesity. Her twelve weeks diet program will zap away calories from your body and will get you sculpted body.

What is The Kim Lyons Diet?

The Kim Lyons Diet plan is a spectacular weight loss program which will combat with stubborn fat and will throw it away from your body with the help of highly nutritious and balanced foods. Having total duration of twelve weeks, the diet program will bring radical changes in your body and mind.

You will feel energized and full of beans while going along with the diet program. Kim believes, more than physical factors, behavioral factors are responsible for holding you back and keeping you overweight. The diet solution will help you in recognizing these deterrent factors and will provide you effective remedies through which you can overcome them and can initiate the process of weight loss in you.

Four Steps of The Kim Lyons Diet

The Kim Lyons Diet program will work on your body in four steps. Let’s have a look at these four steps.

Step One – Flush Fat

Step one of the diet program, which is also known as flush fat will flush excess of fats from your body. Special beverage which you can prepare at home by combining eight ounces of water, one sliced cucumber, two peppermint leaves, and one slice of grapefruit will detoxify your body by removing all the harmful toxins.

Grapefruit has high content of vitamin C which will melt away fats from your body. Cucumber which has high water and fiber content will save your body from bloating, and peppermint will speed up your metabolism and will keep you energized.

You are supposed to drink just one cup of the beverage right before your meals for minimum ten days. In addition to that, add more and more herbs and spices in the meals you cook at home. Along-with adding yummy flavor in your meals, these herbs and spices will also rev up your metabolism.

Step Two – Go Green

Instead of inculcating brown carbs in your diet which come from whole grains and other, dieters are recommended to rely more on green veggies. These veggies are rich in fiber and contain several essential nutrients. Add plenty of green veggies such as spinach, broccoli, lettuce, green beans, zucchini etc. in your meals.

These veggies will provide various vital vitamins and minerals to your body. In addition to that, they will also keep check on your cravings for sweet foods. Swap unhealthy snacks which you consume very often such as white pasta, rice etc. with green veggies. These veggies have low glycemic index and they will work like magic on your body.

Should you feel resistant to bring quick changes in your eating habits, you can go slow and introduce healthy changes in your diet gradually. For example adorn your pasta or burger with plenty of green veggies.

Step Three – Super Spice Your Protein

Dieters should give more importance to portion size of proteins in their diet. Protein foods are more filling and will not let you feel hungry for a really long time. Small portion size of proteins will help you in moving along with the diet program successfully.

Sprinkle spices around your protein portion. You can use turmeric, chili powder, mustard seeds etc. to spice up your protein diet. Spicy protein will cleanse your body from inside and will enhance your digestion.

Step Four – Healthy Snacking

Healthy snacking is crucial part of diet program. Kim believes people often feel tempted to consume unhealthy snacks which hinder their way to losing weight. There is one healthy recipe for snacks suggested by diet solution.

You can prepare healthy popcorns at home. All you require is two heads of cauliflower, spoonful of hemp seeds, spoonful of olive oil, and peppers as per your taste. Mix them and cook them at 420 degree F for fifteen to twenty minutes. These popcorns will cleanse your body and will speed up the process of weight loss in you.

Workouts in The Kim Lyons Diet

Workouts have been given great importance by the diet program. Circuit training has mainly been emphasized by the diet program. Dieters can also practice strength training along-with stretching to get maximum benefit from the diet plan. Kim has very well comprehended the importance of workouts and has divided workouts into three categories.

These three categories have been allocated on the basis of proficiency level of dieters in workouts, and have been named as beginners, intermediate and advanced. Whereas workouts for beginners consist of basic and simple workouts, advanced level workouts will be introduced to you as you will become proficient and will cross intermediate level.

Categories of workouts will give a good reason to dieters to grow ahead and lose weight. For the sake of reaching to advanced level, they will remain enthused throughout the program.

Sample Meal Plan

The diet program insists on consumption of three meals and three snacks in a day. Your main focus should be on consumption of natural and organic foods. You are recommended to refrain from processed, junk and unhealthy foods such as over processed cereals, ground beef, white bread, store brought salad dressings etc. Let’s have a look at one of the sample meal plans of diet program.


You can have oatmeal with blueberries, rolled oats, whole wheat tortilla with one tablespoon of peanut butter, almond or cashew butter etc. in your breakfast.


You can have salmon and spinach, lentil soup with Greek yogurt and berries in your lunch.


You can have chicken piccata, chicken breast, stir fry vegetables, whole fruit, few wheat crackers etc. in your dinner.

Three Snacks

You can have one fruit, yogurt, popcorn, mixed salad etc. in your snacks.
